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時間:2017-07-03 17:06:35



摘要:7月3日, 清華大學中國與世界經(jīng)濟研究中心CCWE主任李稻葵一行到訪恒昌, 與恒昌公司創(chuàng)始人兼CEO秦洪濤及高管團隊會談, 就世界經(jīng)濟形勢、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融行業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢、高凈值人群財富配置等話題進行了深入交流。

  7月3日, 清華大學中國與世界經(jīng)濟研究中心CCWE主任李稻葵一行到訪恒昌, 與恒昌公司創(chuàng)始人兼CEO秦洪濤及高管團隊會談, 就世界經(jīng)濟形勢、互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融行業(yè)發(fā)展趨勢、高凈值人群財富配置等話題進行了深入交流。

  A delegation of Tsinghua University’s Center for China in the World Economy (CCWE), led by its director Li Daokui, called on Qin Hongtao, founder and CEO of Hengchang, and the company’s senior management team at Hengchang Corporation on July 3. The two sides carried out in-depth discussions on various topics, such as the global economic situation, the development of Internet finance and the allocation of wealth among people of high net-value, among others.


  ▲ 清華大學CCWE主任李稻葵(左)與恒昌公司創(chuàng)始人兼CEO秦洪濤(右)合影

  CCWE由清華大學經(jīng)濟管理學院成立, 以”全球視野、戰(zhàn)略前瞻、服務決策”為使命, 匯集學術、政府和企業(yè)優(yōu)秀資源, 從世界角度觀察和研究中國的現(xiàn)實政策問題, 為政府機構提供富有洞察力的學術新知和政策建議。

  Founded by School of Economic Management of Tsinghua University, CCWE’s mission is to “have a global perspective, consider strategic prospects and serve decision-making”. Boasting excellent resources from the academia, government sector and enterprises, it observes and studies China’s prevalent policy issues from an international perspective and offers fresh academic insights and policy advice to governmental institutions.

  李稻葵教授作為中國著名經(jīng)濟學家, 長期關注經(jīng)濟改革與發(fā)展, 歷任央行貨幣政策委員會委員、國際貨幣基金組織顧問、世界銀行顧問等職, 目前兼任”達沃斯”世界經(jīng)濟論壇全球議程委員會委員、清華大學蘇世民書院院長等職。

  As a famous Chinese economist, Professor Li Daokui has always paid close attention to economic reform and development. Previously, he has assumed various influential positions, such as Member of Monetary Policy Committee of Central Bank of China, Advisor of International Monetary Fund, Advisor of World Bank and so on. Presently, he holds concurrent posts, including Member of Global Agenda Committee of Davos World Economic Forum and Dean of Su Shimin College of Tsinghua University.

  恒昌創(chuàng)始人兼CEO秦洪濤表示, 恒昌公司自創(chuàng)立以來, 六年堅守普惠初心, 以”數(shù)字金融 普惠大眾”為企業(yè)使命, 為城鎮(zhèn)中低收入人群、小微企業(yè)主、三農(nóng)人群等提供資金解決方案。在互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融快速發(fā)展的風口期, 恒昌抓住了歷史性機遇。

  During the exchange, Hengchang’s founder and CEO Qin Hongtao said, “During six years of its establishment, Hengchang Corporation has adhered to its initial aspiration of benefiting the masses. In pursuit of its business mission of ’using digital finance to benefit the masses’, it offers financing solutions for middle- and low-income groups as well as small business owners in urban and rural areas. In a rapidly developing era of Internet finance, Hengchang has seized historic opportunities.”

  “普惠金融已經(jīng)成為推動社會與經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的重要動力。未來, 恒昌將不忘初心, 踐行普惠金融, 以先進金融科技助力平臺和業(yè)務的全面升級?!鼻睾闈硎?。

  He went on to say, “Inclusive finance has already become a major driving force for socioeconomic development. In the future, Hengchang will never forget its initial aspiration and continue practicing inclusive finance. In addition, it will continue to upgrade its platform on the lines of advanced financial technologies.”



  作為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融行業(yè)的創(chuàng)新踐行者, 恒昌一直把安全合規(guī)放在工作的第一位, 投入了大量精力和資源進行風控系統(tǒng)建設, 通過大數(shù)據(jù)+人工智能等金融科技的融合, 打造了具有恒昌特色的大數(shù)據(jù)風控體系, 實現(xiàn)了對平臺風險管控、效率提升以及服務品質(zhì)的升級。

  As an innovative practitioner in the Internet finance industry, Hengchang has always prioritized safety and compliance. It has spent a great deal of energy and resources on the development of its risk control system. It uses the combination of big data and artificial Intelligence along with other financial technologies to develop its unique big data risk control system. In this way, it manages risks, increases efficiency and upgrades its service quality.

  CCWE一行對恒昌在普惠金融領域的成績給予了高度認可。李稻葵表示:”恒昌是一家守正創(chuàng)新、目光遠大的公司, 始終堅持小額分散的業(yè)務模式服務個人及小微企業(yè), 同時還積極投入研發(fā), 以大數(shù)據(jù)、知識圖譜等先進金融科技服務于業(yè)務平臺。希望恒昌能以普惠金融為基石, 成為中國普惠金融領頭羊和未來中國金融集團頂梁柱。而清華CCWE也將一如既往保持和恒昌公司的緊密對話和合作, 共同研討金融未來發(fā)展趨勢, 并共同探索、交流互金行業(yè)實踐?!?/p>

  On the occasion, the CCWE delegation highly praised Hengchang’s achievements in the field of inclusive finance. Li Daokui said, “Hengchang is a corporation that follows the right principles and aptly carries out innovation. It persists in its business mode of ‘small amount and scattered investment’ in serving individuals and small enterprises. At the same time, it goes all out to conduct research and uses big data, knowledge atlas and other advanced financial technologies to serve the business platform. We hope Hengchang will always regard inclusive finance as the cornerstone of its operations and lead China’s inclusive finance, thereby becoming the backbone of China’s financial plutocracy. At the same time, Tsinghua’s CCWE will maintain its close relations with Hengchang to jointly probe into the future of finance and exchange ideas on mutual finance.”

  李稻葵主任非常欣賞恒昌創(chuàng)始人秦洪濤先生的白手起家, 踏實肯干的企業(yè)家直覺和實干精神, 評價秦總”很像三十年前的黑石集團(美國規(guī)模最大的上市投資管理公司黑石集團)的共同創(chuàng)始人蘇世民先生”。

  Furthermore, Li Daokui highly appreciated Qin Hongtao’s entrepreneurial intuition and humble spirit. “CEO Qin is quite like Mr. Steven A. Schwarzman, who cofounded Blackstone Group (the largest listed investment management company in US) three decades ago,” he said.

  2013年, 為培養(yǎng)具有國際視野的未來青年領袖, 黑石集團與清華大學合作設立了清華大學蘇世民學者項目, 并由李稻葵主任擔任蘇世民書院院長。本著產(chǎn)學研生態(tài)合作的長遠發(fā)展目標, 在2015年, 恒昌公司就與清華大學蘇世民學者項目進行了深入合作, 培育金融領域菁英, 促進中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融事業(yè)發(fā)展。

  In 2013, in order to cultivate young leaders having an international orientation, Blackstone Group and Tsinghua University worked together to set up Steven A. Schwarzman Scholar Project of Tsinghua University. They appointed Director Li Daokui as Dean of Steven A. Schwarzman College. In 2015, in line with its long-term development objective of actualizing cooperation on production, learning and research, Hengchang Corporation carried out in-depth cooperation with Steven A. Schwarzman Scholar Project of Tsinghua University, thereby emerging as a financial industry bigwig promoting the development of Internet finance in China.


  ▲ 清華CCWE一行與恒昌創(chuàng)始人兼CEO秦洪濤及恒昌高管團隊合影
